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  Wax Strong In Willingness
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  Know Thyself
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  Escape, Engage, & Evolve Continually
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There’s no need to wait any longer to change and become the best version of you–porn free, secrets-free, shame free. The goal is to help you awaken and to start experiencing life beyond pornography. That’s how a client of mine expressed how he felt as he started to purge pornography out of his life. He said it felt like he was “awake.” He said things felt more vivid and more vibrant than they had been before.

It Won't Break the Bank


Why do you call it a toolbox and not a program or course?

  • I call it a toolbox because I view it as a collection of tools and resources rather than a sequential "do this, than this," course that promises certain outcomes. Yes, there is a certain level of "sequential-ness" to it in terms of following the AWAKE Model, but my hope is that there is enough individuality in each section that users feel they can hop around as needed.

I'm not religious and don't want a religious approach. How do you handle spirituality?

  • Throughout the toolbox I do speak about spirituality, but I have intentionally left it vague as I know what that means is different for each person. I personally believe in a higher power and subscribe to the teachings of Christ, (they have helped me in my own recovery) so you may hear echos of that in what I share. But ultimately, you have to figure out what "spiritually healthy" means to you. You'll find that I'm not pushing any particular religion our spiritual view down your throat.
  • If praying helps your spiritual life, Great! Do that. If spending time with horses helps your spiritual life, then Great! Do that. Find what "healthy" means to you spiritually and do it.