Introducing the AWAKE 101 Workbook
It's like the Master Sword, but for recovery
Recovery is a big journey full of challenges and pitfalls. Having the right guide and weapons can make all the difference between success and failure. The AWAKE 101 Workbook will help guide you on your way while also providing you useful tools vital to make lasting change.
A New Model for Change
Using years of experience, I've created the AWAKE process--a model to guide change. It helps clients identify where they are and what they need to be working on in order to become the person they want to be. It also emphasizes the importance of continual growth so as to not fall back into old behaviors.
Let's Get Started.
Working to overcome the compulsive nature of pornography is often a long difficult process. I'm here to help where I can. I currently offer a digital workbook to help guide you in the change process.